Starting at Sandgate Kids
We want to share our expert advice on how to make the transition to childcare and kindergarten easy for both you and your child.
Before your child starts at Sandgate Kids
The transition to an Early Education Service for the first time or starting at a new one can sometimes be very emotional for you and your child. Introducing your child to the idea of childcare and to the centre will help make the transition easier.
It’s important that your child feels familiar with the centre. If you can, bring your child to visit us so they can see what the centre looks like and what the children are doing.
Introduce us to your child so we become familiar faces which is important on the first day. This can help ease the anxiety around separating from each other on your child’s first day.
On the first day
It’s a good idea to plan ahead and arrange a late start at your workplace on this important first day.
Give yourself plenty of time to help your child settle into the centre. If you hurry off too quickly, your child might feel abandoned, lost or alone. A gradual parting often works best especially with hesitant children. You are welcome to join with your child in any of the activities.
Saying goodbye
It’s important to say goodbye to your child and tell them when you will be back. Your child needs to become confident you’re not leaving forever. If you say goodbye every time you leave the centre, your child will gradually become used to the routine.
If your child is upset when it’s time for you to go, and even the most excited children can be unexpectedly upset at that moment, just say your goodbye and leave. We’re used to handling the situation and we know how to calm and distract them, so they settle in. In most cases, children stop crying as soon as you’re out of sight.
Don’t sit at work and worry. We’re happy for you to give us a call to check on your child. Of course, if anything is wrong or we’re concerned in any way about your child, we’ll call you.
Picking up your child
You’ve probably looked forward to this moment all day. If you’re going to be late to pick up your child, please let us know. We’ll explain it to your child so he or she doesn’t start to worry about being left behind. When you arrive to collect your child, make sure to ask questions about the day and praise any achievements.
If your child has separation anxiety…
This is quite normal for children. Your child has been with you every day of his or her life, so it’s understandable they’d be worried about being apart.
Entering care and being away from a parent is a huge milestone in your child’s life.
Separation anxiety can begin as early as six months of age and last until your child starts school. They are leaving an environment where they’ve been comfortable and confident and entering a strange new world.
Remember that separation anxiety doesn’t last. Your child will learn to be an independent little individual and we’re there to help them settle in.
We are here for your child
We’ll look after your child as well as you would.
All our team members and particularly your child’s educators look forward to supporting you and your child, so they look forward to your child coming to Sandgate Kids each day.
We love what we do and that is taking care of your child, engaging their sense of fun, and sparking their love of learning.